
Windows cmd might be old but is still a very useful tool!



type flag.txt

Read the output of flag.txt like the cat command

type *.txt

Output of all *.txt files in current dir

more flag.txt

Read one page at a time of the file

type flag.txt | find /i "flag{"

Search for a string in a file

type flag.txt | findstr "flag.*$"

Searches for a regex string in a file

dir /b /s C:\msbuild.exe

search for a file named msbuild.exe in the C:\ drive recursively

net user

List local users

net localgroup

local groups

net localgroup administrators

Members of local admin group

net user haha lmao /add

Adds a user named haha with the pw lmao

net localgroup administrators haha /add

Adds the haha user to the local administrators group

netsh advfirewall show allprofiles

See the config of the built-in firewall

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

Turn off the built in firewall

reg query [key name]

Read a key

reg add [key name] /v [value] /t [type] /d [data]

adding a reg key

net use \\ lmao /u:haha

Connect to host on SMB for user haha with pwd lmao

sc query

List all running services

sc query state=all

List ALL services

sc qc VSS

List information about one specific service

sc start VSS

sc stop VSS

Start/stop a service

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